The first Two weeks I went to Oahu. I was missing my Girl and I NEEDED some blue water in my gills.
The first dive was at the Corsair plane wreck. I chose this location because its the deepest diving wreck on oahu, usually always having great vis. I was surprised by how hard the diving was for me. My dives in washington have been very shallow around 30-40', But with great dive times. Even still my body was not use to the depths and I struggled to reach 80-90'.
Through out the two weeks we visited Some wrecks, lost and refound some gear, Dove with various animals...
The First plan of action was to get some shots of the NEW eyeofmine wrist strap
Here is Paul hunting on the yo257 at 80' with a 3prong.

The wrist mount is pretty sweet. Spearos seem to love putting video cameras on their guns. Now three-prongers have a viable option too.
I was glad that I got to dive with Britt, I think we did more dives over the two weeks then we did the entire time we where together.

Here she is testing out the go pro

Of course we had to do another search for tiger sharks.. Following a lead we went to Kaneohe bay, only to find the same results. No tigers. Bored we jetted over to MokuManu. Where we explored an awesome cave.

The theme of most of the trip seemed to be eagle rays.

I am back in Washington now and things are going pretty well. Signed up for school and most likely moving into my own place this week.
Photography wise things have slowed down. I think I have an ear infection so I have been staying out of the water.
Next month: Photography classes begin, Salmon spawning season kicks into action.
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