Monday, March 14, 2011

Throwing water into shapes

Last week I had the oddest cold. Fever and body aches like the flu, But instead of nausea I had the worst cough that would seize up my throat and cause vomiting. Horrible timing too! I ended up missing a week of school two weeks before finals are due, and missed out on a vital week in packing for my move to Oahu.

Still fighting the war with my lingering cold, coupled with disgusting weather I decided to shoot my water in the studio and stay dry.
     Placing a plexi bottom and using one off camera speedlight 45* behind the scene, we started throwing handfuls of water onto the base. Hopefully snapping the shutter right before the water would hit.

The art of throwing water is much more difficult then imagined. Even so I walked away with a few images.

The first being " The Dancer"
water photography, art, water, throwing water, derek broussard

"puppet mater"
water photography, art, water, throwing water, derek broussard

The sprinter
water photography, art, water, throwing water, derek broussard

And a randon blob

Shooting through a plastic aquarium:
water bubbles
Water, derek broussard

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