Friday, February 18, 2011

Another week in Oahu

This is my second trip since I started school. But suprisingly this trip wasnt so much about diving, as it was about reparing a lost relationship. However that didnt stop me from getting some homework assignments done. Under water of course :)

LINE SHAPE AND FORM of the human body
Nude woman, underwater photography, line shape and form, art, derek broussard

I was really going for the light ripples carving the shape of the human body.

 The next day new location, deeper water:
Beautifull woman swims all natural in the ocean.

My last dive of the trip ended epicly, with a week old calf, mother, and grandmother swimming by us.


  1. Good stuff, Derek, looking forward to seeing more of your photos. Your studies are definitley paying off!

  2. beautiful work, Derek. I hope the entire trip made a positive difference - and welcome back to the PNW

  3. Wow I am amazed at how talented you are. I had no idea. I really really like your nude study on lines and form. The details are gorgeous and that chic looked very cold.
